The OpenLED Project
The Pure Spectral Colors from Violet (380 nanometers) - Red (750 nanometers)
Light is an electromagnetic phenomen, called a photon, which sometimes acts like a particle; but behaves like an ocean wave with a wavelength. In space, light travels at about speed of 300,000,000 meters per second or 186,000 miles per second - a bit slower in air and still slower in water. 

The visible wavelengths over light range from blue light at 390 nanometers (10-9) to red light at 700 nanometers.  The frequency of green light (532 nanometers) is about 600 terahertz  (600 x 1012 cycles per second).
Distance in One Second (Velocity) Divided by WaveLength Equals Frequency in Cycles per Second
 3 x 108 meters per second  divided by  500 x 10-9 meters  =  3/5 x 1015 ~ 600 x 1012 (600 TeraHertz)
Nanometer = One billionth of a meter = 10-9 meters = 1 / 400 of the diameter of a thin human hair
                     which is about (25 x 10-6 = 25 microns)
Terahertz = One trillion cycles per second = 1012 cycles per second (hertz)
sRGB rendering of the spectrum of visible light
Color Frequency Wavelength
violet 668–789 THz 380–450 nm
blue 606–668 THz 450–495 nm
green 526–606 THz 495–570 nm
yellow 508–526 THz 570–590 nm
orange 484–508 THz 590–620 nm
red 400–484 THz 620–750 nm







Updated to 08/07/13 E2