The OpenLED Project
This OpenLED Project brings in concert the many educational and informational activities of this exciting field - spanning the globe and applications - from solar illumination in rural landscapes to state-of-the-art therapeutic medicine. Updated to August 10, 2014
We welcome your participation in all forms and yours contributions of data, schematics, prototypes and evaluations to this effort. Prof.  George Izenour of Yale University - the legendary master of theatre technology was asked to testify on the advances in LED lighting - excerpts below:

Light, Photons & Visible Spectrum
Generating Light
The Light Emitting Diode
The Emergence of RGB LED
LED Circuits
Human Vision
Color Rendering Index
SubLumenal Index
"In 1939 I invented electronic dimming while doing research under a Rockefeller Fellowship at Yale University. I later served as a Professor of Theater Design Engineering at Yale specializing in lighting technologies... .in the 1950’s I had worked with utilizing pulse width modulation which was even then a standard procedure ...

If anyone would have handed me LEDs of several colors and asked me to combine them to create a color changing lighting device even back in the 1970’s I would have chosen pulse width modulation ...

Anyone skilled in the art could have incorporated the circuitry and process needed to drive LEDs with pulse width modulation more than three decades ago....

Any assertion to thecontrary would only be made by someone who is neither experienced nor skilled in the art."

The OpenLED Store

Our contact information:
One Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
The OpenLED Project

Updated to 09/02/13 v1